By Daniel S. Katz

Could one build a service that checks the completeness and quality of documentation of an open source repository?

Potentially a group could build up a set of repositories with documentation ratings, which could then be used to train a ML/DL model, which could then be used to provide the service?

The service could be used by a developer to iterative improve documentation, then check the quality of the changes.

It could also be used by a potential user of the software as a factor in deciding whether to use the software or not.


Continuous integration for documentation? Interesting. I wonder how one would go about gathering training data. I suppose that it would be possible to use heuristics to start with (check that every function is documented, README contains "usage" section, ...)

Tim McNamara · 29 Jul, 2018
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Daniel S. Katz



Published: 27 Mar, 2018

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