Proper exercise filter during epidemics such as Covid 19

Considering that The use of masks in athletes causes hypoxic and hypercapnic breathing as evidenced by increased effort during exercise and The use of masks during a short exercise with an intensity around 6–8 METS, decreases O2 by 3.7% and... continue reading

Fenton reactions and OCD.

Fenton reactions and OCD.

St John's Wort treatment (5x333mg pd) only became anti-OCD when ferrous fumarate was added.1. (2 to 5x14mg iron pd), suggesting radical releasing of serotonin was crucial, as on MAOIs.2. Gut Fenton reactions in the... continue reading

The Impact of Conflict on Entrepreneurial Group Dynamics and Organizational Outcomes: Suggesting an Intervention Study Using Conflict Mediating Strategies

Entrepreneurial groups consist of individuals bound together by their joint engagement in founding and running a business. Conflict in such teams may affect group performance, innovation, team development, as well as team efficiency and cognitive... continue reading

Test stored blood samples for COVID-19 antibodies

Blood samples that were taken in Italy during the period September 2019 to March 2020 have been tested for COVID-19 antibodies, with as many as 10% of patients testing positive for COVID-19 in spite of those samples pre-dating widespread infection... continue reading

Statistical significance under low power: A Gettier case?

Epistemologists and researchers alike are concerned with the conditions under which one can be said to possess knowledge. In philosophy there is a classic account of knowledge as being "Justified True Belief". Under this account, a person can only... continue reading

The Journal of Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming (CP) or Sports Programming is solving well-defined problem statements abiding by time and memory constraints with the help of sandboxed environments on... continue reading

"I am the law!" - The empirical link between lawyer-lawmakers and legal cost/burden

For better or worse, a large part of the politicians sitting in national/regional parliaments or similar positions of power are trained law professionals. As lawmakers, they have the unique opportunity to influence the amount of available work for... continue reading

Excessive sitting time as predictor of COVID-19 severity

A large body of recent research has identified that excessive time spent sitting down is a major risk factor for mortality from all causes and that it directly contributes to a range of health issues prevalent in first-world countries. Many of... continue reading

Breadth, Depth and Integration: The Three Dimensions of the Polymathy Construct

At the core of the polymathy construct is the person's relationship with knowledge in three dimensions: depth, breadth and integration.

Depth refers to expertise and to the cumulative penetration into certain subjects of interest (in which... continue reading

Dual-Role Actor- A Fresh Look At Bootlegger and Baptists Dynamics

Bruce Yandle’s concept of Bootleggers and Baptists explains how seemingly opposing groups/individuals join forces for a single cause. The Bootleggers stand to gain from advocating the assumed policy position. The Baptists provide moral... continue reading


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