Revisiting Teleogical Planning: Predictive vs Normative Thinking
Teleological Planning is associated with the communist and socialist planning fiasco. However, the flaw does not rely on assuming that planning is a teleological activity. The flaw resides on assuming that the government is the sole planner (or... continue reading
ImpL2 homolog Peroxidasin as an active participant in human neoplasm.
Rationalizing on the work published by Young Kwon et al Cell could peroxidasin play an active role in cancer via pathways of insulin/IGF signaling? Peroxidasin is cited... continue reading
Entrepreneurial Competitions to Control Invasive Species
Commercializing certain invasive species creates business opportunities while controlling harmful populations, if it respects population biology(1). To exert effective control, harvest efforts must outstrip a population’s reproductive potential... continue reading
Salivary progesterone as indicator of delivery
During pregnancy salivary progesterone levels increase, reach a steady-state and then decrease sharply two day before delivery. Monitoring of salivary progesterone from about two weeks before the expected date of delivery will give information... continue reading
String notation for capturing the entire experimental processes of chemistry
A string notation which is inspired by SMILES notation in chemistry can be devised for capturing entire chemistry experimental and methodological sequences and processes. Laboratory experimental... continue reading
Naturalness of Atheism and Supernaturalness of Religion - A Role for Theological Science
Scientific approaches ("science" narrowly defined as the "sciences of nature") metaphysically exclude divine effects as appropriate--in other words, science itself is structured to exclude divine action (pragmatically). The problem with the... continue reading
How Significant are Conifers for the Silicon Biogeochemical Cycle?
The conifers were generally shown by Hodson et al. (2005) to be low silicon accumulators. The apparent reason is that conifers (and many gymnosperms) largely lack NIPIIs, aquaporins that are... continue reading
Naturalness of Atheism and Unnaturalnes of Religion
The standard model of Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) explains religion as some kind of natural phenomenon. Religious ideas and beliefs are considered as natural not only in the sense of their foundation on cognitive processes and mechanisms,... continue reading
South American peopling and neotropical savannisation
Northern South America is covered by extensive savannas whose natural or anthropogenic origin is debated. Currently, these savannas are in expansion to the detriment of the surrounding rainforests due to fire management by humans. Knowing the... continue reading
Neuronal chain stimulation during an epileptic attack.
Ictogenesis involves a characteristic transition from normal electrophysiological activity in the brain to abnormal hypersynchronization. In epilepsy, the resistance of excitatory neurons to fire is decreased. This may occur due to changes in ion... continue reading
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