Relationship between strokes and seizures

During the four years that I cared for a person who had several strokes, I observed that the epileptic seizures which followed, often improved the condition caused by the strokes. It led me to consider, that epileptic seizures might be a self -... continue reading

Neurocognitive basis of procrastination: the need for more startlines than deadlines

Research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience has provided evidence that goals are maintained by sustained goal representations in prefrontal cortex (Miller & Cohen, 2001). Such goal... continue reading

The evolution of smaller arms in theropod dinosaurs

Carnivorous theropod dinosaurs may have had brilliant breast displays that were better shown off with less distracting arm size. At mating time female theropods selected males with smaller arms, for it was in the display that male potency was... continue reading

Violent Computer Games / Movies as Triggers for Violent Real Life Crimes: Is Comparative Post-Crime Influence Research Useful?

The question if violent computer games lead to more violence in real life has long been controversial. While it seems clear that some perpetrators are influenced by what they have seen on tv or in computer games, the vast majority of gamers does... continue reading

HIV Variation Driven By Somatic Hypermutation in Immunoglobulin Variable Genes

Here is an explanation for HIV variation:
• HIV-1 infects many white cells - but particularly activated B cells in the early phase of infection setting up productive provirus in a significant fraction.
• During somatic hypermutation of the... continue reading

Building a Climate Change Litigation Database

Recently, The Guardian reported on a case brought by a Peruvian plaintiff against German energy company RWE over fears of effects of climate change... continue reading

Why is the rate of incidence of diabetes increasing?

The increasing rate of diabetes, often attributed to overweight associated with hypercaloric diets, has led to numerous dietary and lifestyle intervention trials. In these, the dietary components have focused particularly on controlling caloric... continue reading

Acknowledgment re ‘The mil: 1/1023 of an equal-tempered semitone’

Eight of the twelve intervals mentioned in the above Brief Idea (10.5281/zenodo.16212) were given in 12276ths of an octave, explicitly or implicitly, by Erv Wilson in 1995; see the last two... continue reading

Dissecting the OA Citation Advantage: Bayesian approaches will be superior to randomised control trials

The idea that open access articles are more highly cited is attractive, particularly for open access advocates. While there have been many retrospective cohort analyses that suggest citations advantages of various sizes, randomized control trials... continue reading

The mil: 1/1023 of an equal-tempered semitone

In musical temperament, intervals are usually stated in cents, i.e. hundredths of a 12-EDO semitone. A more convenient unit would be 1/12276 of an octave, i.e. 1/1023 of a 12-EDO semitone. I call this a mil because it... continue reading


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