a restricted path integration method
I propose a restricted path integration method to efficiently simulate a class of quantum systems and Hamiltonians classically and computationally without boundary condition problems. Then the algorithm for the path integral of any bounded error... continue reading
Modeling microbial communities with evolutionary game theory
Within the past decade we have observed a substantial research effort towards a deeper characterization of the human microbiome and its role during both physiological and pathological conditions as well as understanding their impact on the host’s... continue reading
Virtual learning includes realtime video lessons, which demands video connectivity that is not always available in many places on Earth. Existing free audio conference apps can use improvements on security, while adding a new secure video learning... continue reading
Global warming has increased due to accumulation of Carbon Dioxide, creating serious impacts on the existence of humans and their activities. The learning- teaching efficiency is also impacted by higher temperatures. The educational institutes... continue reading
Application of the Central Limit Theorem to dice notation parsing
The Central Limit Theorem (Moivre, 1738) describes how a normal distribution can be used to approximate the sum of identical distributions.
This approximation can be used in optimizations for dice... continue reading
The Strategic Depth Theory of Diversity & Inclusion
It would be easy to assume that the increase in workplace Diversity and Inclusion programs was caused by corporate executives becoming more politically progressive. Is this even true? Per Fos, Kempf, and Tsoutsoura (2022), approximately; 69 % of... continue reading
A Game-Changing Cross-Disciplinary Horticultural Experiment Design
Linguistic works Human_Enha revealed how scientific terms can be lost, mis-understood or manipulated during translation. So does the naming of plant cultivars for important edible horticultural... continue reading
Materials acceleration platforms have the potential to reduce the cost- and time-to-market of new materials from 20 million USD and 20 years to as little as 1 million USD and 1 year; however, the capital and expertise are often significant.... continue reading
Hypothesis: systemic low-grade tissue hypoxia as contributing causative mechanism for Long COVID
Silent hypoxia is one of the key clinical features of COVID-19 infection. Some of the hypothesized underlying causes of silent hypoxia, such as endothelial and micro-vascular dysfunction, and micro-clots inhibiting perfusion, would exert a... continue reading
Using Fig in China to Explore New Criteria to Grade Edible Landscape Plants
Conventional wisdom accepts that selecting a fruit tree for landscape involves very different priorities than for commercial farming, e.g. extended season instead of concentrated, lower sugar concentration in fruit instead of higher. However,... continue reading
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