Curated by Philippe Henry
Cannabis and human creativity: hyper-priming, eureka moments and intermittent abstinence
Cannabis has undeniably been used to prime our imagination and creativity for centuries. As critical thinkers of all walks of life explore the use and impact of cannabis on today's society, one cannot omit the clear ability of the plant to bestow... continue reading
Applying Genomic tools to Cannabis Breeding
Humans share a long history with Cannabis, perhaps going back even further back than the dawn of agriculture. As such this plant has traveled the world alongside humanity, consequent introductions of novel variants into the pool of genetics... continue reading
Are the Japanese more interested in nanotechnology than the German? How many people want to become musicians? Are salespeople conscientious? In the Behavioral Sciences, studies on the diversity of human interests are scarce. Comprehending better... continue reading
Two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Tease Apart Hemp, CBDA and THCA Expressing Cannabis
The classification of Cannabis varieties has been increasingly discussed in the past years, particularly within the scope of intellectual property development and protection Henry 2016. Several... continue reading