Curated by Kyle Cranmer

Brief Ideas for the Data Science at LHC Workshop 2015

The Data Science @ LHC workshop was a resounding success. We do not plan to have traditional proceedings tied to individual talks, but we do want to capture the ideas that were generated during the workshop. With that in mind, we want to try... continue reading

Data Science and High Energy Physics collaboration enforcement by Higher Education Institutions

Data Science @ LHC workshops have been intensifying cooperation in the Data Science (DS) and High Energy Physics (HEP) professional communities. The need for such cooperation risen substantially in recent years, since it requires combining... continue reading

When to worry about negative weights in MVA training for HEP analysis

A discussion at DS@LHC2015 concerned the treatment of negative weights in MVA training. This is relevant for HEP since the advent of MC generators at NLO in QCD, as [the matching of Matrix-Element to Parton-Shower... continue reading

Supervised and unsupervised machine learning approach to the CMS data quality monitoring

The CMS experiment at the LHC is one of the biggest and most complex general purpose detectors ever built. The constant monitoring of the data quality is vital to guarantee a proper and efficient operation of the detector and reliable physics... continue reading

Create standalone simulation tools to facilitate collaboration between HEP and machine learning community

Discussions at recent workshops have made it clear that one of the key barriers to collaboration between high energy physics and the machine learning community is access to training data. Recent successes in data sharing through the... continue reading