From Budapest via San Francisco to The Hague: a bird's eye view of two dozen scholarly communication charters.
By Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer
Idea: speeding up the transition towards a scholarly commons by summarizing and reviewing existing charters and pinpointing where there’s still work to be done.
Science is in transition. But in what direction, demanded by whom, accepted by whom and realised where and how? This is what we would like to find out in a review of scholarly communication charters, manifestos and roadmaps drawn up over the last 15 years. We have identified some 30 of these charters, from famous ones such as the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to more niche ones such as the Leiden Manifesto on Research Metrics.
Our idea is to classify these charters according to what part of the research cycle they address, and compare them on their demands and acceptance. Then, we'll try to determine to what extent the demands put forward have been implemented in tools, included in written norms and applied by stakeholders such as research institutions, funders, publishers, libraries, and research evaluation organisations. For this, we propose to collect quantitative impressions available in the literature and on the charter websites. The research will hopefully contribute to priority setting and cooperation by organisations working towards more open, efficient and reproducible science.