New Ph.D. students in the empirical sciences should be recruited into ongoing scientific studies right from the start
By Henrik Nilsson, Christian Wurzbacher, Erik Kristiansson, Martin Ryberg
All too often we come across Ph.D. students who after 2-3 years of effort still struggle with their first (co-)authorship. In many cases, this may be considered a waste of financial resources and human potential1-3. We’d like to pitch the idea that newly started Ph.D. students should be invited to an ongoing study – thesis material or not – within the first weeks of their employmentcf.4. The study should ideally be close to completion, and the task assigned to the Ph.D. student should comprise perhaps 2-3 days of work (plus manuscript revision5). We have employed this approach many timese.g.,6, and the results so far have been encouraging: the Ph.D. students get a dose of positive energy from being part of a successful scientific enterprise and publication; they gets to feel that they and their work are taken seriously; and they obtain a quantum of experience of the scientific process. Furthermore, an early introduction to the notion of collaborative research efforts – a routine practice in academia and industry these days – is accomplished7. This approach means little extra work for the project PI, but what strikes us is how long-lasting the positive effects for the Ph.D. students seem to be.
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Henrik Nilsson, Christian Wurzbacher, Erik Kristiansson, Martin Ryberg
Published: 22 Mar, 2016
"they gets" should obviously be "they get". What a stupid mistake!
And I did proof-read the piece many times at that.
Sorry - my bad.
Henrik Nilsson · 23 Mar, 2016