Ideas tagged with citations

Publication of conference lightning talks in scientific journals shown on a exemplary lightning talk about nomograms

Lightning Talks have become a popular format at conferences. Within five minutes, a topic is presented that meets scientific standards. In this time, information can be presented that is also contained in papers. In many scientific fields, citations are made only from written papers (for ease of...

By Jens Harbers

Textbook Coverage of Inframarginal Externalities

Externalities are an important concept in economics as they are one of the many potential issues with markets. Negative externalities, for example, occur when costs are imposed on others outside the market system. Air pollution is but one example. The presence of externalities is often used as a...

By Joshua Hall

Dissecting the OA Citation Advantage: Bayesian approaches will be superior to randomised control trials

The idea that open access articles are more highly cited is attractive, particularly for open access advocates. While there have been many retrospective cohort analyses that suggest citations advantages of various sizes, randomized control trials have shown no effect. The problem with randomised...

By Cameron Neylon