Ideas tagged with climate
Over half the global population is already urban, and the UN expect this share to continue rising [[UN 2014]] ( Not only are cities already responsible for about 70% of global CO2, but their concentration of population and infrastructure make them especia...
I propose to gather a collection of sock price histories and various indicators of climate change (temperatures, CO2 levels, etc.) and anonymize their labels. These would be used to create a game or prediction market so that the players would be incentivized to choose which of these time series ...
By Kyle Cranmer
Recently, The Guardian reported on a case brought by a Peruvian plaintiff against German energy company RWE over fears of effects of climate change ( in which the energy company is...
In 2013, the world used 533 exajoule of commercial primary energy, of which 87% was from fossil fuels. Renewable energy (RE) accounted for just under 9% [BP 2014] (