Ideas tagged with polymathy
The Atlas of Human Range (AoHR) is an [Atlas of Human Interests](/ideas/98e3f9cea2b150029d0205070f59db05) evolution. The AoHR, however, maps a vast spectrum of human inner and outer manifestations, spanning temperament, personality, interests, knowledge orientations, soft and hard skills, and im...
Polymathy is a multidimensional approach to learning and personal development that involves the pursuit, development, and application of knowledge characterized by three dimensions: breadth, depth, and integration. (1) Breadth refers to the diversity between the domains, areas, or subjects in wh...
Recent TED talks and books like "Range" and "The Polymath" generated great popular interest in the concept of polymathy. However, polymathy is still ill-defined in academia. Here, I propose a more systematic typology, based on the literature review carried out by Araki (2015; 2018). Polymathy...
In fragment XXV (Khan, 1979), Heraclitus writes that polymathy is bad craft (kakotechnie). However, in that extract he is referring to the “pilling up” of learnings without the application of rigor and without good guiding principles. Notwithstanding, cognates of polymath’s termination "-math...
At the core of the polymathy construct is the person's relationship with knowledge in three dimensions: depth, breadth and integration. Depth refers to expertise and to the cumulative penetration into certain subjects of interest (in which society circumscribes within domains). It entails [kn...
Polymathy traditionally means “wide-ranging knowledge”. However, Sriraman(2009) and [Michael Araki](/users/7e5ab981b273ead711a70ba889e65ff0) [Polymathy_](/ideas/8e54bb477f4fe239e7a364af3d219c65) have proposed that polymathy can function as a trait. Based the idea that polymathic people distingui...
Herling (2000:13) in his "Operational definitions of expertise and competence" outlined three basic components of expertise: knowledge; problem-solving; and experience. Here, I propose a more sophisticated differentiation that involves four types of knowledge: 1) Epistemic Knowledge; 2) To...
Scholars like Duckworth and Ericsson speak of an “ineluctable trade-off between breadth and depth” in expertise and knowledge acquisition. However, recent research [on polymathy](/ideas/753fac5b42e4c3cac704937e5be2ef39) shows a positive correlation between the two. This seeming contradiction ari...
Are the Japanese more interested in nanotechnology than the German? How many people want to become musicians? Are salespeople conscientious? In the Behavioral Sciences, studies on the diversity of human interests are scarce. Comprehending better how different groups of people decide to invest th...