Ideas tagged with psychology
A liminal phase is one where the subject experiences his existence as being in a non-controlled or controllable environment, one that is insecure, unfamiliar and thus anxiety producing. Everyone routinely slips in and out of liminal phases from work, inter and intra personal interactions, famil...
It has been suggested that when in a highly focused state, some individuals can better utilise attentional resources allowing them to ignore stimuli which may be distracting. Further, it has been postulated that hypnosis is nessesary in alleviating cognitive conflict that impairs task specific a...
By Umair Akram
When one considers a general and universal description of humans’ motivation to act, probably reproduction, or biological fitness, comes to mind (Darwin, 1859). However, there is an abundance of residual behaviour, across humans’ life domains (e.g., cultural, social, occupational), which is unex...
The research's results vary on violent media's effect with some saying it has the effect of aggression while some say the opposite. However, although there have been multiple studies conducted about violent media's effect on the general population, there are a limited number of studies that focu...
By Jiwon Lee
Research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience has provided evidence that goals are maintained by sustained goal representations in prefrontal cortex ([Miller & Cohen, 2001]( Such goal representations contain details regarding the final goal ...
By Michael Cole
From an optimization-view of human decision making it makes sense that choosing among more alternatives would take longer, simply because there are more alternatives to evaluate before deciding. If humans use simple rules of thumb or use satificing rather than maximizing strategies, it is far fr...
Some individuals report experiencing motion sickness when navigating virtual environments. While field-of-view may mediate this effect ([Bos et al., 2010](, perspective may be another relevant factor. With respect to imagery, first-person perspecti...