Ideas tagged with science_policy

Reducing the peer review burden and raising grant success rates by passing a simple law

Pass a law that limits the total dollars that a research organization can request from the federal government to three times the average dollars they received in previous years. This would immediately change the average success rate of grants to one in three; a major improvement from current rat...

By Scott Reed

Supporting basic science through the crowd funding online platform

During and after world war II, science has been supported by government. Science became huge and money-based activities. Norms such as CUDOS that has been support science began to be diminished since capitalism governs science. Competitions replace cooperations, applicability of science became t...

By Woo Jae Kim

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Analyzing Decision Making and Peer Review

The legitimacy of a funding agency in basic research depends at least on the following factors: * organization’s ability to minimize distortions in approval probability by its decision procedure * the scientific quality of results produced by funded research proposals * the acceptance of the...

By Klaus Zinöcker