Ideas tagged with space mission

Spore coat of liverworts: potential candidate for future space suits

Future space suits require greater mobility as mars exploration is proposed by NASA and other space agencies. Currently space suits are designed for zero gravity and low gravity situations. Such space suits will be unviable when used at Mars and will make them less mobile in high gravity situati...

By hemendra yadav

Beyond Gaia: A Deep-Space Astrometric Mission To Obtain ~1% Parallax Distances at 10 kiloparsecs

The [Gaia space telescope]( is currently measuring parallax distances for Galactic stars with ~1% precision out to ~1kpc. This will be a revolutionary data set, but order-of-magnitude improvements are possible with a next-generation mission that is already achiev...

By Khee-Gan Lee

Modifying astronauts' microbiome may enhance prevention from commensal bacteria caused infections at microgravity condition

Since in 2020s, astronauts will be expected to build a colony at Mars without return. And in a report named 'Microbial responses to microgravity and other low-shear environments' by Nickerson et al. at 2004, it is stated that Salmonella typhimurium, known for causing food-borne illness, can chan...

By Cihan Tastan