Ideas tagged with universities

Reducing the peer review burden and raising grant success rates by passing a simple law

Pass a law that limits the total dollars that a research organization can request from the federal government to three times the average dollars they received in previous years. This would immediately change the average success rate of grants to one in three; a major improvement from current rat...

By Scott Reed

Why research reputation trumps teaching reputation in universities

In humans we see lekking behaviour in the general rule that people like being around successful people. This is why social A-lists exist. More generally as animal behaviour, a lek is a gathering of individuals for the purposes of competitive display - competitive signalling. For universities, ...

By Sean Leaver

The Economics of Meal Plan Requirements in Higher Education

Many colleges and universities require full-time undergraduate students to purchase a full meal plan as long as they live on-campus. To students this can often feel like they are being exploited, especially given the high average meal cost of university dining plans and the lack of flexibility t...

By Joshua Hall