Bayesian verdicts

Why do juries emit binary verdicts, i.e. guilty or not guilty? Why not allow each juror to emit a "Bayesian vote" reflecting his/her subjective degree of belief in the probability of the defendant’s guilt? Under this alternative method of Bayesian... continue reading

DNA is a (geo)political weapon

The use of DNA (both modern and ancient: aDNA) for purposes of genetic traceability, ethnic filiation, migration of populations, etc. is currently experiencing exponential growth. These studies are (it is hoped) initially motivated by scientific... continue reading

Make computer-aided research more verifiable

A central problem with modern computer-aided research is that research based on long computations becomes difficult to verify. It is thus unclear how and why such should be trusted. The most widely discussed aspect of this problem is the... continue reading

Anthropogenic increase in the length of a day

The length of a day might have been increasing owing to decreased speed of the earth's rotation triggered by anthropogenic factors: 1) anthropogenic induced increase in the moment of inertia of the earth; and 2) slowdown of tidal currents due to... continue reading

Soap bar skin scanner for detection of early melanoma

Many scanners look inside the body, but none examine our whole skin because the ripples and folds of flesh need to be unfolded for camera access. The current approach assumes no cooperation from the person being examined, except to lie or stand... continue reading

What do humans strive for, generally? A universal description of humans’ motivation to act.

When one considers a general and universal description of humans’ motivation to act, probably reproduction, or biological fitness, comes to mind (Darwin, 1859). However, there is an abundance of residual behaviour, across humans’ life domains... continue reading

Synchronic similarity in scholarly communication may mask diachronically distinct goals and histories

The Force11 Scholarly Commons Working Group (SCWG) aims to

[a]rticulate a set of high level principles... for the Scholarly Commons[,]... focus on... continue reading

Oxidative stress, MAOIs and OCD.

Cure of severe obsessional thinking by monoamine oxidase inhibitor* gave rise to “side” effects, meriting investigation as repeatedly linked to cure-points. Phenol-rich foods, particularly robusta coffees, release serotonin from gut... continue reading

Reconstructing the 3D shape of lightning strikes from their thunder

A nearby lightning strike is accompanied by a loud roll of thunder that can last for many seconds. The stroke conducts current between cloud and ground, simultaneously superheating the air along the path of the stroke. The resultant shock wave... continue reading

Supervised and unsupervised machine learning approach to the CMS data quality monitoring

The CMS experiment at the LHC is one of the biggest and most complex general purpose detectors ever built. The constant monitoring of the data quality is vital to guarantee a proper and efficient operation of the detector and reliable physics... continue reading


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