Teen-Driven Open Science

Through the Hive Mapping Cooperative, five youth-serving organizations in Chicago have been working to develop shared systems for teens to collect, analyze, visualize, and share georeferenced data using free and open... continue reading

Modify and run other people's research code in your browser

Science makes progress by reusing results and building on them. For research software this is pretty hard (the people writing it often do not have the time to make slick installers like big libraries do). As a result there is not as much reuse as... continue reading

Coffee reuse and pre-consumer vs post-consumer waste recycling

After it was reported that used coffee grounds could be converted into a useful product it was suggested in the Times Higher Education (10 Sept 2015) that this could be a reason for the end user of coffee to use fresh rather than instant coffee.... continue reading

Mythology and ancient origins of the domestic dog

The [use of appropriate statistical techniques applied to myths and folktales] (https://unive-paris1.academia.edu/JuliendHuy/Phylogenetics-of-Myths-and-Folktales) concerning domestic animals may provide valuable informations as to their origin and... continue reading

Donation-Driven Open Science Journal

Why should taxpayers and funding agencies pay journal publication fees and open access charges? I propose creating a new open access journal funded entirely through donations and foundation funding. The journal would be administered by a... continue reading

GeoTag-X: crowdsourced photo analysis for humanitarian crises

Photos taken in disaster situations and other humanitarian crises by different people on the ground can potentially be a powerful resource for the response teams. Unfortunately, the manpower needed to process the incredible number of photos coming... continue reading

Young scientists need collaboration

As today’s science is a team effort, it is essential to promote the collaboration skills for young scientists in their early careers (McNutt, 2015). In China, the China-educated young... continue reading

Considering Amazonian microbial diversity

Diverse ecological communities of Amazonia play a crucial role in the maintenance of the biosphere. However, little is known about the microbial ecology of Amazonia. During an analysis of litter from an Amazonian wetland we discovered a new... continue reading

Exo-planets around Red Dwarf Stars: Reasons to look for Co-orbiting Same-Size Planets

Same-size planets that orbit one-another around a common centre of mass would answer a lot of problems associated with Red-Dwarf stars, such as: tidal locking (because same size planets would tidally lock to each-other, thus blocking tidal locking... continue reading


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