Sulfur-Bearing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Interstellar Environments
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely studied in an astrophysical context. Studies have also been performed on nitrogen-bearing PAH species (Hudgins+2005) and unsuccessful searches... continue reading
Using remote sensing data in ecological niche models to forecast species' extinction risks
Traditionally, Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) are calculated with variables from long temporal data series, representing averaged weather conditions, and probably hiding current trends originated from the current environment. Satellite imagery can... continue reading
Salivary progesterone as indicator of delivery
During pregnancy salivary progesterone levels increase, reach a steady-state and then decrease sharply two day before delivery. Monitoring of salivary progesterone from about two weeks before the expected date of delivery will give information... continue reading
String notation for capturing the entire experimental processes of chemistry
A string notation which is inspired by SMILES notation in chemistry can be devised for capturing entire chemistry experimental and methodological sequences and processes. Laboratory experimental... continue reading
Naturalness of Atheism and Unnaturalnes of Religion
The standard model of Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) explains religion as some kind of natural phenomenon. Religious ideas and beliefs are considered as natural not only in the sense of their foundation on cognitive processes and mechanisms,... continue reading
Futures: between prediction and planning
Futurists often appear to be divided into two camps: one group put their efforts into forecasting, while the other group insist that the future is ours to plan—decide on a desirable future and then devise policies to get there. But my thesis is... continue reading
Comparative analysis of international health systems has increased in recent years, serving to inform systemic transformations undertaken (Singapore) or explored (Vermont). Much of this analysis has focused on comparisons of various healthcare... continue reading
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Analyzing Decision Making and Peer Review
The legitimacy of a funding agency in basic research depends at least on the following factors:
Time dependent and location dependent electric pricing using smart meters
Smart meters are increasingly deployed to electric endusers, with the prime goal of decreasing metering costs for the power companies.They can be set in a way that the momentary power usage is transmitted close to realtime.
The trading price of... continue reading
In Paleolithic archaeology, we are interested in changes in complexity in technology, social networks, and communication over time. However, little research has been done to specify and quantify what is meant by ‘complexity.’ Recently that has... continue reading
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