Role of perspective in motion sickness induced by navigating a virtual environment

Some individuals report experiencing motion sickness when navigating virtual environments. While field-of-view may mediate this effect (Bos et al., 2010), perspective may be another relevant... continue reading

Reanimation of Australian Megafauna, Extinct Species and New Zealand Moas

After the arrival of the first humans, Indigenous Australians, to the island continent, the previous megafauna became extinct. As many samples are still extant, deriving DNA samples or fragments and reverse engineering, through multiple... continue reading

The need and format for publications is stifling innovation and science adoption

Nowadays two problems affect science.

  • The quantum necessary to publish scientific discovery is large. This not only heavily increases the time needed for publication, but it also impacts the time required to stay up to date with the... continue reading

Antidepressants, the gut microbiota, TRPA1 receptors and self-cooling.

Enhanced efflux pump expression and intracellular production of reactive oxygen species in gut bacteria has been
observed following exposure for sixty days to several antidepressants, at clinically relevant concentrations.1. This pattern has been... continue reading

Gender Commonality in the Upregulated Transcriptome of Patients with Ischemic Stroke

The present study systematically searched the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) DataSets for and retrieved the GSE22255 dataset that included transcriptomic data from Ischemic Stroke patients. This was an expression profiling by array using peripheral... continue reading

On the number of person and number categories in Mordvinic

In the finite-state description of Erzya and Moksha, four different types of person and number are attested. Personal and emphatic pronouns are tagged (Sg1, Sg2, Sg3, Pl1, Pl2, Pl3). Possessor indexing is indicated with ‹Px›: PxSg1, PxSg2,...... continue reading

A win-win strategy: wake plantations up

Natural forest plays a crucial role in global forest restoration and is even proved to be 40 times better than plantation at carbon storage (see S. L. Lewis et al. Nature 568, 25–28; 2019), but long-term natural regeneration will decrease small... continue reading

Thiel's Trap

Few economic concepts demonstrate scarcity as clearly as the Malthusian Trap. An economic condition where population growth outpaces food production (Malthus,1798). The fight for subsistence is in the rearview mirror of the developed world, but... continue reading

Synthetic Dataset Generation for Concept Drift Adaptation

Concept drift, a phenomenon where the statistical properties of the target variable change over time, poses a significant challenge in data stream mining. The low amount of real word datasets with concept drift make this challenge harder on many... continue reading

Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) for assessing the competition among education selling countries

HHI is typically calculated to observe the market structure and competition among the manufacturers for a specific product by using the market share of each manufacturer. Therefore, the HHI value shows the market power, potential buying pattern... continue reading


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