As set out in NPBR.1. and JBI.2., MAOI OCD cure involves gut TRPA1 activation by radicals*,and vagal/trigeminal change influencing the parabrachial and subthalamic nuclei.3. The subthalamic nucleus is implicated in OCD.4. with ventral subthalamic... continue reading

A novel DOAS Retrieval algorithm without light intensity calibration

Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) technology enables accurate real-time monitoring of the concentration of flue gas components and is an effective means of controlling flue gas pollutant emissions at source. In DOAS systems,... continue reading

The Paradox of Implicit Logrolling

The process of Implicit Logrolling (Buchanan & Tullock,1962) is a form of indirect vote-trading that heavily relies on the bundling of wedge issues. By way of tying specific groupings of policies to attract targeted demographics of voters to a... continue reading

Perspectives on coffee culture: Ge’ez conundrums

Ethiopia is the cradle of coffee culture, yet early evidence for it is scant. Does the Ge’ez word for coffee reveal clues? I propose an etymological link to the Zorastrian Emperor of Persia, Khosrow I (or II), reflecting contemporaneous Aksumite... continue reading

Delivery of Grocery items before demand

To delivery of the items before demand, it is important to know the monthly demands of the various families. so collect the information like size of family, festival celebration, possibilities of guest arrival, daily and monthly demand of various... continue reading

Backward stepwise elimination: A model-based method for nonlinear dimension reduction

In multidimensional data modeling, dimension reduction is not intuitive. Forward feature selection is usually deceptive. That is, a strongly related feature may have a small correlation coefficient (near zero) to the objective, especially when the... continue reading

Statistical significance under low power: A Gettier case?

Epistemologists and researchers alike are concerned with the conditions under which one can be said to possess knowledge. In philosophy there is a classic account of knowledge as being "Justified True Belief". Under this account, a person can only... continue reading

"I am the law!" - The empirical link between lawyer-lawmakers and legal cost/burden

For better or worse, a large part of the politicians sitting in national/regional parliaments or similar positions of power are trained law professionals. As lawmakers, they have the unique opportunity to influence the amount of available work for... continue reading

Motion illusions arise from light source ambiguity

Motion illusions such as the rotating snakes illusion or the rotating cube illusion remain unexplained. Recently, [Watanabe et... continue reading

Bayesian Judges

Building on Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule’s valuable insights about the Bayesian nature of the judicial process (see their paper "The Votes of Other Judges"), I propose a simple method for improving judicial decision-making, a method I have... continue reading


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