Unifying generative models and exact likelihood-free inference with conditional bijections
Recent work in density estimation uses a bijection $f : X \to Z$ (e.g. an invertible flow or autoregressive model) and a tractable density $p(z)$ (e.g. [1]... continue reading
Playing Games with Ideas: when epistemology pays off
In standard game theory analysis, gameplay proceeds using rational strategies. While there is no explicit link between rationality and strategy selection, playing to equilibrium solutions often depends on choosing the optimal strategy. Yet what if... continue reading
A nanobattery based on biopolymers
Conventional batteries have been manufactured by top-down approach. It is believed that bottom-up approach offers better efficiency.... continue reading
Adaptive myopia: how nearsightedness on land helps us underwater
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common condition in humans, making it an interesting trait to study from an evolutionary perspective. Although the morphology of the human eye evolved under conditions whereby light entered predominantly through... continue reading
Cannabis and human creativity: hyper-priming, eureka moments and intermittent abstinence
Cannabis has undeniably been used to prime our imagination and creativity for centuries. As critical thinkers of all walks of life explore the use and impact of cannabis on today's society, one cannot omit the clear ability of the plant to bestow... continue reading
To set an outpost of remote sensing, navigation and communication on the Phobos
The rotation and revolution of the Phobos are very stable with the same locked period, which make one side of the Phobos always facing the Mars. For multi operations and applications, we suggest to build a comperhensive outpost on or in this side... continue reading
Land resources are very tight in the Earth. We can bury dead person‘s bone ash to asteroids. Some people are very rich, they may want to pay funds to do this. And the funds can be used to develop human's space science and deep space exploration.... continue reading
Could a primeval version of the Basque 'Jentilak' tale be 25.000-year-old?
In the deepest part at the end of Llonín Cave (Asturias, Northern Spain), a fortuitous configuration of minor protuberances and cracks in the wall suggests the lateral outline of an 80 cm high anthropomorphic head, whereas a minor depression... continue reading
Kickstarting research into end-to-end trigger systems
The data volumes (O(TB/s)) created at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are too large to record. Typical rejection factors are O(100-1000), and using as little CPU time as possible to reject an event is the goal. More powerful decision... continue reading
Pre-registration of a test for statistical significance of a GALFA-HI -- WMAP ILC correlation
In 2007 Gerrit Verschuur proposed that HI structures as seen in the Leiden-Argentina-Bonn 36' HI survey of the sky are correlated with structures in the WMAP sky, which are typically ascribed to the CMB.
He... continue reading
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