Evolution in genetic terms – Is it RNA world or DNA world or is it anything else?
The RNA world concept that self-replicating ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules are keys to all current forms of life on Earth and geticists could not go further down might have missed out on how evolution has actually happened in real genetic... continue reading
A proposal to search for patterns of genome changes across parasites
Parasites have co-evolved along with their hosts to utilise the host machinery to complete parts of the parasite’s life cycle. Despite potentially large implications for disease biology, common denominators for gene loss and gene gain have not... continue reading
Problem: There is an ongoing debate on the share of OAJ and OAA charging APC from authors. It has been shown that 67% of OAJ listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) work without APC ([Suber 2015]... continue reading
Now a day, sustainable agricultural practice for increased production is most significant concerns. The fertile agricultural land is reducing day by day due to increased population and overburden of excessive use of chemical fertilizer and... continue reading
Putting 2 million genomes into the public domain and onto the web
openSNP is an open-science/data project that aims at making personal genomics data available. Thanks to the rapid bio-technological progress and start-ups like 23andMe, more and more people are getting access to their personal genetic information.... continue reading
A proposal for sequential approach for arsenic removal from top-soil
Arsenic contamination of ground water and soil is a vexing problem in several countries, including India. For water treatment there have been several effective, economical and commercially available [methods]... continue reading
Current therapeutic options for diabetes mellitus are feeble in long term management of blood glucose, which can result in many serious complications. Recent studies illustrate that the intestinal microflora is a feasible vehicle to deliver the... continue reading
2 solutions to escalating prices of scientific journals
A major financial problem for research libraries is the escalated subscription prices of scientific journals. A year's subscription for a journal of neurology might be 20 000 dollars and the average price for a chemistry journal is 3500 dollars... continue reading
Favoring open access when evaluating academic merits
A survey conducted in 2010 found that 89 percent of the 38 000 active researchers that answered the survey are convinced that open access is beneficial for their research field, directly improving the way the scientific community work. Still only... continue reading
Ships carry giant volume of ballast water required to sink in Sea. The loading and unloading of ballast water causes negative impact on marine environment. The discharged ballast water typically contains both macroscopic and microscopic plants,... continue reading
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