Self-propagating mRNAs, a novel gene therapy method and delivery vector

Self-propagating mRNAs could be engineered to replicate itself and exit cells via microvesicles. They could be used in gene therapy to express target genes without disrupting the genomic DNA. These mRNAs have multiple open reading frames (ORFs).... continue reading

Proposed Definition of Polymathy and Polymathic Orientation

Polymathy is a multidimensional approach to learning and personal development that involves the pursuit, development, and application of knowledge characterized by three dimensions: breadth, depth, and integration. (1) Breadth refers to the... continue reading

Long-term social presence and citizen engagement in multi-level and network governance of climate actions

Climate change is a worldwide problem felt locally in municipalities. Mitigation and adaptation climate actions are carried out by many entities [1]. Multi-level governance articulates local,... continue reading

Engine change at 80MPH: OSS projects as laboratories for participatory governance transformation

Online communities are high-throughput laboratories for governance change and innovation. Elinor Ostrom's idea of institutional diversity, that sustainable resource governance requires a diversity of governance forms and approaches, is well... continue reading

A mobile app to promote self-limiting Carbon emissions and improve the rationality of choices among the students.

Global warming has increased due to accumulation of Carbon Dioxide, creating serious impacts on the existence of humans and their activities. The learning- teaching efficiency is also impacted by higher temperatures. The educational institutes... continue reading

CLSLabs-Liquid extends the minimal working example of self-driving laboratories to liquid handling and optical spectroscopy

Materials acceleration platforms have the potential to reduce the cost- and time-to-market of new materials from 20 million USD and 20 years to as little as 1 million USD and 1 year; however, the capital and expertise are often significant.... continue reading

Hypothesis: systemic low-grade tissue hypoxia as contributing causative mechanism for Long COVID

Silent hypoxia is one of the key clinical features of COVID-19 infection. Some of the hypothesized underlying causes of silent hypoxia, such as endothelial and micro-vascular dysfunction, and micro-clots inhibiting perfusion, would exert a... continue reading

Calculation of multi-dimensional information acquisition in space potential disintegration target

Some space debris belongs to the upper stage of the rocket, and propellant remains inside the debris, which may explode and generate more space debris. In order to identify potential disintegration targets in space, understand the remaining amount... continue reading

Spacecraft cluster cloud high-frequency optimization computing theory

The satellite-ground collaborative computing requires information transmission between the satellite and the ground, which will cause significant delay, resulting in a time from calculation to execution of more than milliseconds. In the best case,... continue reading

Develop a uniform tool to assess sanitation in urban slums

The quality of sanitation is poor in urban slums across the globe. Sanitation deprivations are greater in urban slums in developing countries, which continually experience unmanageable influxes of slum dwellers.

Governments have limited... continue reading


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