Dementia is a Hydra: Care v. Cure.
Care versus cure is the current dilemma within dementia research. Is it ethical to prioritise resources to find a cure? Is this even possible? What is the projected timeframe? Clinical trials are long, costly procedures and bringing a drug to... continue reading
Geographic Isolation and Pork Barrel Projects
In The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics (Journal of Political Economy, 1981), Weingast, Shepsle and Johnsen lay out the costs and benefits of geographically earmarked pork barrel spending.... continue reading
The Effect of Smoking Bans on Exercising by Non-smokers
Smoking bans have shown to have many effects, some intended, some unintended, like Adams and Cotti's (2008, Journal of Public Economics) finding that smoking bans led to more fatal accidents from drunk driving. The mechanism is that smokers were... continue reading
Stonehenge A Neolithic Beacon: Design Imitates Star
When lit from within with one large fire or multiple fires, and observed from above, the standing stones that comprise Stonehenge split the light rays creating a radiating effect similar in appearance to a star.
( Attachment)
Neolithic People... continue reading
Social Jailbreak: a social media aggregator designed to circumvent social media monopolies
Social Jailbreak (SJB) describes a proposed viral application that would allow social media users to communicate beyond the limits imposed by social media monopolies. Several platforms (e.g. Hootsuite) and some social networks (mainly... continue reading
Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) is considered the gold standard in vitro technique for characterising protein-protein interactions. However, the technique is limited by the inability to differentiate direct/indirect interactions of proteins. This... continue reading
Report a relative proportion of patients ruled-out or ruled-in with a diagnostic test
One measure of the performance of a diagnostic test is the proportion of patients the test stratifies as likely not to have the condition (ruled-out:RO) or to have the condition (ruled-in:RI). This proportion depends on the prevalence of the... continue reading
Restricted SDM: Predicting habitat suitability from species occurrence only
Species Distribution Models are commonly used to predict species habitat suitability. The data needed to build such a model usually consist of a range of environmental variables together with a target variable - the species occurrence itself... continue reading
A combinatorial approach towards treating cancer through Cisplatin
Cisplatin is an effective chemotherapeutic drug against a vast variety of cancers. It is a cytotoxic drug that kills cancer cells by forming DNA adducts, thereby damaging the DNA leading to apoptosis. However, the clinical use of cisplatin is... continue reading
Antibiotics indicating a link between migraines and gut bacteria
Recent research has found links between the composition of gut bacteria and whether a person suffers from migraines. Since [antibiotics influence gut... continue reading
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