exchange of value between USB devices, bitcoin

BOUNDER ##design0.1##
One way 2 secure USB devices UTXO exchange /hardware/

While bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are fairly successful they suffer from the weakness that they need the world wide web or internet to... continue reading

Reproducible Research with End-to-end Machine Inference Using Deep Learning and Bayesian Statistics

The conventional statistical inference based on hypothesis testing and p-value is fundamentally flawed. The general practice of data analysis involves too many post hoc decisions makings based on p-value, which unavoidably violates the... continue reading

Applying Supervised Machine Learning to the Fight against Online Child Sexual Abuse

Some reports of NGOs and anecdotal evidence suggest that child abuse materials (CAMs) share some characteristics extensively. They mostly take place indoor settings, victims' face or genitalia is visible and there are few visual clues about the... continue reading

Searching for Dyson spheres with Gaia

Assuming that Dyson spheres obscure optical/near-infrared light as grey absorbers, a partial Dyson sphere with high covering fraction (fcov > 0.5) could reveal itself as an anomalously subluminous star with a parallax-based distance smaller than... continue reading

The simple observation by Huygens that disproved Newton's rule for the extraordinary refraction of calcite

Huygens (1629–1695), in his Treatise on Light (1690), explained the double refraction of calcite on the correct hypothesis that the secondary waves for the... continue reading

Carbon concentrations in phytoliths and carbon sequestration in soil

In recent years there has been much work on the possibility that carbon could be sequestered in phytoliths and contribute to solving global warming.1,... continue reading

Algorithms learning for large scale facilities

A large scale facility can be described as an object producing, as an output, datasets D_i, that scientists analyse to obtain results R_i. The ideal data analysis trajectory for an experiment is thus D_i-->R-i-->P_i, where P_i denotes the... continue reading

Heated volumetric extrusion mechanism with co-axial Auger and Moineau pumps for 3D printing from plastic pellets

The higher cost and lower availability of the thermoplastic filaments -compared to pellets- make FDM 3D printers underutilized in developing countries.
We designed a solution to use easily sourced plastic pellets with precise volumetric control... continue reading

Diabetes screening using home blood glucose meter testing during the Dawn Phenomenon period

The Dawn Phenomenon (DP) was first noted in diabetics as an unexpected increase in blood glucose beginning during sleep early in the morning1. The glucose is derived from increased hepatic... continue reading

Handgrip strength and semen quality

Handgrip strength (HGS) is a significant predictor of health and vitality in both men and women, with higher HGS being associated with lower rates of disability, morbidity, mortality, and even dementia... continue reading


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