South American peopling and neotropical savannisation

Northern South America is covered by extensive savannas whose natural or anthropogenic origin is debated. Currently, these savannas are in expansion to the detriment of the surrounding rainforests due to fire management by humans. Knowing the... continue reading

Violent Computer Games / Movies as Triggers for Violent Real Life Crimes: Is Comparative Post-Crime Influence Research Useful?

The question if violent computer games lead to more violence in real life has long been controversial. While it seems clear that some perpetrators are influenced by what they have seen on tv or in computer games, the vast majority of gamers does... continue reading

HIV Variation Driven By Somatic Hypermutation in Immunoglobulin Variable Genes

Here is an explanation for HIV variation:
• HIV-1 infects many white cells - but particularly activated B cells in the early phase of infection setting up productive provirus in a significant fraction.
• During somatic hypermutation of the... continue reading

Acknowledgment re ‘The mil: 1/1023 of an equal-tempered semitone’

Eight of the twelve intervals mentioned in the above Brief Idea (10.5281/zenodo.16212) were given in 12276ths of an octave, explicitly or implicitly, by Erv Wilson in 1995; see the last two... continue reading

The mil: 1/1023 of an equal-tempered semitone

In musical temperament, intervals are usually stated in cents, i.e. hundredths of a 12-EDO semitone. A more convenient unit would be 1/12276 of an octave, i.e. 1/1023 of a 12-EDO semitone. I call this a mil because it... continue reading

Forensic facial reconstruction or facial approximation?

Our body changes from one day to the other, from fat to thin, from young to old, without any significant facial bone surface modification. The same from upright to horizontal position, with gravitational deformations of sub-cutaneous fatty and... continue reading

The social media spontaneous order is a ‘constellaxy’

Social media is a spontaneous order. It is distinct from others because of its systemic resource—attention—and unique feedback mechanisms—social media analytics[1]. Attention... continue reading

The spontaneous order of social media

Social media is a spontaneous order. Or, rather, various social orders cultivated on social media platforms—patterns of interaction, virtual communities, co-creation and user-generated content—constitute their own spontaneous orders. Social media... continue reading

haze monitor with MPPSK satellite signal

The haze monitoring technique by MPPSK satellite signal is the new idea. MPPSK satellite signal delay is received by satellite ground-based receivers whose positions are set. Troposphere delay is used fordistribution calculation . Raw data is... continue reading

A Novel Approach to Potentially Improve SNR in Gravitational Wave Detection

Gravitational wave detection aims to measure extremely weak vibration signals that are deeply drowned in noise. Therefore, improving Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is crucial for such detection systems including laser interferometer gravitational... continue reading


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