Futures: between prediction and planning
Futurists often appear to be divided into two camps: one group put their efforts into forecasting, while the other group insist that the future is ours to plan—decide on a desirable future and then devise policies to get there. But my thesis is... continue reading
Why Renewable Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels
In 2013, the world used 533 exajoule of commercial primary energy, of which 87% was from fossil fuels. Renewable energy (RE) accounted for just under 9% [BP 2014]... continue reading
Peak Urbanism, Future Cities and Climate
Over half the global population is already urban, and the UN expect this share to continue rising [[UN 2014]] (http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/default.aspx). Not only are cities already responsible for about 70% of global CO2, but their concentration... continue reading
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