Limiting the Effects of Dry Cargo Liquefaction: Ultralight Honeycomb Cargo Hold Separators

Dry cargo liquefaction of cargoes such as nickel, iron or bauxite leads to numerous losses of human lives and shipping vessels. Despite regulatory and technical efforts, it appears very difficult if not impossible to completely prevent dry cargo... continue reading

Limiting the Risks and Effects of Dry Cargo Liquefaction with Drying Filler Material

All too frequently, cargo ships transporting bulk cargo sink because of dry cargo liquefaction. By mixing cargo material (CM) with a non-reactive Drying Filler Material (DFM) the cargo hold could be filled completely regardless of the amount of CM... continue reading

International Law Challenges of Liability Regulation for Space Elevator Tourism

A Space Elevator raises a number of issues from the legal perspective. Below an altitude of 100km national law and international air law apply. Above, international space law would govern the elevator. Choosing a base station on land or at sea... continue reading

Violent Computer Games / Movies as Triggers for Violent Real Life Crimes: Is Comparative Post-Crime Influence Research Useful?

The question if violent computer games lead to more violence in real life has long been controversial. While it seems clear that some perpetrators are influenced by what they have seen on tv or in computer games, the vast majority of gamers does... continue reading

Building a Climate Change Litigation Database

Recently, The Guardian reported on a case brought by a Peruvian plaintiff against German energy company RWE over fears of effects of climate change... continue reading


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