By John Sebastian

BOUNDER ##design0.1##
One way 2 secure USB devices UTXO exchange /hardware/

While bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are fairly successful they suffer from the weakness that they need the world wide web or internet to perform any transactions. The algorithm design I propose is of-chain value exchange between peers in a chain like matter. This design would include one Atmel crypto chip and rewrite 2 USB drivers 'sector1' and 'sector2'.

Configuration on USB drive.
The problem of exchanging value stored offline facto, any one can create a set of UTXO
and claim that they are unspent. One way to solve this is that one exchange validated your set of UTXO. The set of UTXO would be per Satoshi and a Secret pin is given to the owner of the USB device. The design of USB driver Sector 1 asks for validation of every Satoshi spent '' pin A ''. Driver sector 2 could ask for a key unique to this USB drive validating the exchange is actually yours. If the exchange validated the set of UTXO with the embedded unique key of the USB device in a signature added to the UTXO set and written that value to the USB device. Adding 'pin A' to the UTXO set confirms this is yours to spend. So Imagine a change of value signed bye a set of signatures happening of line and in a secure way.

Algorithm design device X <=> Y

sector 1 USB Driver1
boot USB 1 and generate key X1
boot USB 2 and generate key Y1
'PIN A' creating multi signature XY1

multi signature is divided and control bits are added
('loop back sector 1' ' add sequence signature sector 2 and first checkpoint bit is timed)

sector 2 USB driver2
USB 1 generate key X2
USB 2 generate key Y2
check ' unique key any USB device ' validating UTXO set
use multi signature 2

checkpoint value Z time bit 'Atmel time checkpoint' and all is validated.
sequence Z wrong bit init. key generation and peers add value to the exchange.

At this point one could loop the entire process and validate the information / value exchanged.

The value of this algorithm lays with the loop sequences of the circuit where time ''time to hop'' is the MFA, and peers committed to the exchange of data.

If all checks out the data is exchanged by driver sector1 and driver sector2.

I imagine this hardware device is Solar powered with a battery able to produce 900mA 5V with led screen and 3 push buttons would suffice for entering any value.
###example USB bounder in pseudo-code

1#sector1 USB driver1 {
start usb1;
check validating 'Pin A' with UTXO set;
if validating entire set = true
sign multi signatureAX1;
2#sector1 USB driver2 {
start usb2;
check validating 'Pin A'(ore pin usb2) with utxo set;
if validating entire set = true
sign multi signatureAY1;
3#.lib1 {
generate AXAY1;
confirm looptime driver 1 driver 2 with added AX1 and AY2 (count bits = time);
add crypto with Atmel chip ''blinded(unlock key = counted bit string/amount and sequence of bits)''
add lib1 + blinded key to the cirquit;
blind unique signing key Z;

1/2/3 need one active loop with time/bit check against atmel chip crypto (otherwise one could just replace the usb device)

4#sector2 usb driver2 {
confirm Unique key from AX1 with .lib1 clone;
confirm Unique key from AY1 with .lib1 clone;
input value with push button;
signing AXAY1 and remove UTXO from .lib1 sequence;
sign new loop with atmel chip blinded crypto key;
5#validating string {
.lib1 is valid;
4sector2 usb driver2 is valid;
extracted value from clone = sector1 USB driver1 + sector1 USB driver2;
bitcount did change in the expected value;
atmel blinded key came from onbord chip;
release UTXO USB1 to USB2
6#MFA {
all was preformed within the expected bitcount;
if .lib1 + 4 + 5 = true;
write validating 'Pin A' receiver on exchanged UTXO set;

bitcoin wallet : 1261fKX1aEcEF7dgKyvkCgPwvcHNASwmnB


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John Sebastian



Published: 23 Jan, 2017

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