By Rory Marcelle Weems

The quality of sanitation is poor in urban slums across the globe. Sanitation deprivations are greater in urban slums in developing countries, which continually experience unmanageable influxes of slum dwellers.

Governments have limited resources. Specifically, governments in developing countries are ill-equipped to handle the sanitation challenges plaguing urban slums. Despite governmental efforts to improve the quality of sanitation services in slums, slum dwellers lack access to basic sanitation provisions. Although sanitation deprivations across the globe continue to be a looming challenge, some developing nations have employed successful sanitation strategies to cure deficiencies. The World Health Organization provides governments worldwide with guidance to enhance sanitation provisions. However, no uniform assessment exists.

As a result, I propose having a uniform performance metric in place to provide researchers and scholars with an objective measuring tool to gauge how well governments manage sanitation quality in urban slums. Particularly, greater insight is needed to understand better the perceptions of slum dwellers and the factors that inhibit or regulate the quality of sanitation provisions in urban slums.

Insufficient research exists on the topic. Nonetheless, if this problem is not addressed, the quality of sanitation in urban slums may continue to decline.


I recently updated an idea reporting a small success in grassroot solution in continued educaiton for rural medical workers in a small town. I think of a juxaposition after reading your idea: if your first verison of said metric is taught to PubH professionals online and eveyrone is encouraged to improve it based on personal observation, this may well become the Github of PubH.

Di Wu · 28 Jan, 2023
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Rory Marcelle Weems



Published: 1 Sep, 2022

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