By Priyank Agarwal

It’s easier to mold a human at his childhood days than at later part of his life. The proposed idea is based on this simple fact.
Imagine creating an online platform that acts an incubator for Open Research. The platform could be anything such as a simple mobile app or website. The primary aim of this platform is to teach and spread awareness about Open Research among young students while simultaneously developing the habits of doing open research in them. The platform can be developed in two parts:
1.The platform contains information and prospects of Open Research. The information may be provided in the form of online courses or tasks. Upon completion of certain courses/tasks the user’s can be awarded with Open Badges and scores.
2. Once the user has received a minimum no of points, allowing him to submit his research proposal. The platform can be developed in such a manner that it connects the proposed idea organizations supporting Open Research or the ones offering fellowships for the same.

It’s important to start the habit of doing open research at early days in one’s life as the next Stephen Hawking’s lies in between the kids.


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Priyank Agarwal



Published: 30 Sep, 2015

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