A Game-Changing Cross-Disciplinary Horticultural Experiment Design
By Di Wu
Linguistic works Human_Enha revealed how scientific terms can be lost, mis-understood or manipulated during translation. So does the naming of plant cultivars for important edible horticultural research(H Wilde et al 2015). E.g. linguistic and anthropological tools demystified the history of tea(Sarah Rose 2011), empowering correct naming and analysis of its cultivars.
Fig (Ficus carica L.) is known for its ease to propagate(Allen Owings 2015) and the diversity of edible fruits (Encyclopedia Britannica "Fig" 2021). Fig phenotype depends heavily on environment, maintenance Using_Fig and specific cultivars; yet the value of fig researches has been undermined by confusion and misidentification among cultivars of hardly true-to-type(Allen Owings 2015) origins even from reputable donors(UDA Germplasm Resources Information Network Online Database 2022) or depositories(M Aradhya et al. 2010),not to mention lost (Figaholics.com 2022) or confused or mislabeled (FigVarieties.com 2022) origins.
Prior to an RAPD/SSR analysis, the specimen should be vetted for genuinity, e.g. with linguistic grouping to check
for synonyms caused by transliteration or translation. It provides critical evidence to whether a specific cultivar is what its name claims to be. Then genetic grouping reveals if these specific cultivars are scientifically different from each other. Then anthropology field study discloses one cultivar spread in which direction with what cultural exchange events. From there can further accurate recommendation of utilizing a specific cultivar of fig be drawn.
quick note: heard on the grapevine that the strain UCR 271 is being studied on a similar methodology.
Di Wu · 28 Jan, 2023